Dear Irena I would like to thank you on behalf of my wife, Pavla and myself for all the work and effort you have put into organising what can only be described as our amazing wedding. I was pleasantly suprised at how professional and super-efficient you have acted throughout the whole time you were organising our wedding.
Coming from England and maybe being a little bit spoilt for choice in London, we expected alot and I could sincerely not fault any aspect of the wedding on the day. Everyone knew exactly what was expected from them from the minute they arrived at the venue of our wedding. Overall I think you can feel proud of your work and those people who helped you on the day e.g. the Translator, Eva and the Florist, Lucie whom were also both outstanding at performing their tasks. I am going to end off by wishing you all the best for the future and I hope you go from strength to strength. I will be happy to recommend you to all future clients and I will not hesitate to act as a reference to any future clients if you so may require.